2014 Socio-Economic, Demographic and Health Survey

Background and context
This was the only large-scale survey after the 2008 Population Census and hence served as an inter-censal survey for the country. The SDHS was conceived on the realization that up-to-date and credible population data is an indispensable element of national planning and programming.
What does the SDHS entail?
SDHS-2014 is a household sample survey providing social, economic, demographic, and health particulars of the households and individuals at the national and provincial level. It is based on a nationally representative sample of 13,250 households across the urban and rural areas, and drawn from all provinces of the DPRK.
The results of the survey provide the overall status of the population, housing, education, economic activities, fertility, mortality and reproductive and child health situation in DPRK. It also, for the first time, provides information about characteristics of the elderly, particularly those related to their self-perceived health status.
How will the SDHS findings be used?
The findings of the SDHS will enable government and other key stakeholders to develop appropriate policies and programmes for ensuring good quality of life for all the people; particularly, women and children in the country. The survey results will also facilitate the establishment of baseline indicators for the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) as well as reporting on these goals. The data from the SDHS are also vital for humanitarian preparedness and response.
Who conducted the SDHS?
The survey was conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the national in collaboration with the Population Centre (PC) and the Population Institute (PI) of Kim Il Sung University. UNFPA provided technical assistance at all stages of the survey process. In addition, UNFPA independently monitored the quality of data collection, processing and analysis; and ensured compliance with international standards throughout the study.
How has the SDHS data been analysed?
A report of the survey was printed and disseminated in early 2016. Subsequently, CBS and UNFPA have been working on thematic analysis of the SDHS, a process that involves in-depth analysis of the data around key thematic areas. The key areas identified are Gender, Elderly, Reproductive Health, Population Projections and Provincial Monographs. The thematic reports will be available in the last quarter of 2016.
How will the SDHS process support the 2018 DPRK census?
Besides providing data for national planning and humanitarian programming, the SDHS has also enabled the strengthening of CBS in demographic data analysis, skills which will be required for the Population and Housing Census which the government plans to undertake in 2018.
For additional information or inquiries please contact Mr. Kundur Sathyanarayana, Technical Specialist PD, UNFPA DPRK, km@unfpa.org.