The United Nations Strategic Framework aims at achieving three key outcomes related to resilience and sustainability.
- Local communities, especially the most vulnerable groups including women, can better cope with and respond to impacts of disasters and climate change.
- Local communities, especially those most vulnerable, have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.
- Government agencies apply integrated and equitable approaches to environmental management, energy, climate change and disaster risk management.
Planned Activities
Through targeted support, the United Nations assists the Government to:
- Increase resilience against natural hazards/disasters, including extreme events, by facilitating access to risk reducing technologies and practices in agriculture and fisheries
- Promote long-term climate resilience through Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in the agriculture sector and linking to cross-cutting issues
- Support capacity building on DRR and CCA in agriculture and fisheries
- Improve quality of seeds and reduce post-harvest losses to increase farm productivity
- Improve livelihoods through more diverse agricultural production activities, food processing, and small scale manufacturing of daily necessities at cooperative farm and county levels
- Implement off-grid renewable energy solutions to increase energy security and self-reliance of the rural population
- Introduce sustainable prevention and preparedness measures in disaster-prone rural communities
- Reduce the impact of natural disasters on local communities through Food for Disaster Risk Reduction activities
Selected achievements
- State Committee for Emergency and Disaster Management (SCEDM) created
- Provincial and county level governmental organs for disaster management established
- The National Action Plan for Environmental Education and Awareness in the DPRK prepared
- Improved access to renewable energy, including solar PV systems, biogas systems, solar hot water and solar water pumping systems
- Increased community resilience in face of natural disasters through embankment, reforestation, sloping land rehab, and alternative livelihood opportunities
- A national ten-year Agro-Forestry Strategy approved